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zaterdag, juni 22, 2024

New Video: The Godwit (Our National Bird), with Little Ones !

this is one here above
is one of our Many

Great Looking 
Notebooks !
 In the Video here below 
you see some interesting 
info about using them..., 

I Prefer 
to (also) 
have a look 
at our slightly 
highter priced 

 Also Discover our Posts about Journaling on our

🖊WRITING-Blog ! 

As you will know, there are all kinds of 
(Far Away - and Nearby) Special Places 
that offere great opportunities for Photography 
(and Video Filming),  like for example Eemnes Polder in the Netherlands

In our Previous Godwit Video 
you could see this Bird 
on a Windy Day,

sitting on a Pole, Moving around, sitting near the Waterfront with Sailboats moving by, and Flying away, with at the End of the Video - when You look Carefully he also offers you a special Surprise !

In this New Video you see here Above, 
you also see the Godwit with Little Ones !

Did You also See Our Other (Highly Cute) Video's With Little Ones...?

donderdag, juni 20, 2024

New Video: Little Roe
On the MOVE in the Forrest

Recently after I created a Video from Wind Spinners nearby 
we also went for a Litte Walk in the Forrest, 
where we Encountered this 

Little Roe On the MOVE...

In this Video you see a Little Roe in the Forrest, at first difficult
to spot behind Trees, and bushes,

I must have been really - Relaxed & Calm -
due to the Little Walk in the Forrest...,

Because while I expected The Little Roe to Run away (as they usually do), it actually curiously came walking towards me when I tried to catch it's attention with making a soft (somewhat
Frog-like) Sound !
Near the End of the Video I also show you several
great looking - PHOTO's - we took.

In this Video I also didn't cut out some of the somewhat blurry parts, to not disturb the content to much, and sometimes a little Blurryness can also evoke a little 'Pattern Interupt' and a way to add a sense of 'Dreaminess' as well just as what I showed in our recent

Dreamy Serene Swans Video !

woensdag, juni 19, 2024

Recent Video: Dreamy Serene Swans

While I usually like to Edit-out 
Blurry Parts, with this Video I Play & Experiment 
a little with keeping some of those Blurry Parts in, to create Curiousity,  
and a certain Serene, and Abstract-Dreamy feel.  

in the Editing also using both (Sharp & Blurry)

- Flies (Insects) 
in the Evening Sun - 

as "B-Roll Material", to help Amplify
Certain Dreamy Serene Atmosphere 
for this Video.

Did You Also Already See  This Popular Swan-Video, and

On our
(Like for Example for Photo Challenges,
 we also frequently
 Show you Great Looking Swan !

Twisters | Official Trailer 2

This is a Great Looking (Natural Disaster) Movie, about Storm Chasers that Chase (Double) TWISTERS, there also has been a TWISTER-Movie in 1996, Bringing Nostalgia,
and this Movie is retelling it with a Modern Day - TWIST - !

 Did You Also See Our Own (Slightly Different)
Little >> MICRO-Twister << Video...?

Some time ago I made a Video from a Blossoms Tree, and after you see the Camera in the Video -Tilting Up - towards
the Top of the Tree, I also Show You (Self-Filmed) Blossoms Laying on the Ground, that

(- Right before your Eyes -) Get Blown by the Wind into
an Actual Real-life Little MICRO-Twister ! 
(after that you also get to See several Blossom Tree Photo's)

You can also read about
how you can use

 the Weather
in your Writing on our

Also See: 

woensdag, juni 12, 2024

Did You Already See What We Discovered
During a Walk In the Park !

In this Video you see a Quick Squirrel moving Quickly through the Trees,
you also see Several Squirrel Photos
and a little  Moving -

- Photo Slide Show - also

showing you some additional Squirrel Photo's I took some years ago.

(See it on our 📸PHOTO-Blog 
and Discover Squirrel Photos 
 we used for Making

 Did You also DISCOVER

our Special

Squirrel (Postcard) Designs...?

Not that Long Ago Our Sheep Video
Got On TOP !

Today when browsing through some of our many 

I (re)discovered this Funny Photo here above,
that I made many years ago at Sheepfold Blaricum......., 
This is also the Place where I created 
this Special ('Science Fiction' Video) with 

Discover Our MOVIE Trailers-Playlist !

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